Quality policy
of the company HYDRAULIKA POWER "Skraw-Met"
Our Quality Policy assumes continuous improvement of every aspect of our activity and ensuring and guaranteeing our customers the highest quality products and services, so that the final product evaluation by the customer is always higher than his expectations.
THE STRATEGIC GOAL of the “Skraw-Met” company is to achieve a leading position in the industry on the domestic and foreign market. We implement the Quality Policy through activities under the implemented and improved Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2015, ISO 3834, ISO 4406, and the environmental standard ISO14001, the basic principles of which become understandable and applicable to all employees of our company.
The introduction of the Lean Management system and recognized standards and standards of quality assurance, including product risk management (FMEA, SPC), enables us to constantly improve, increase productivity, effectively manage the company and – ultimately – provide our customers with the highest quality products. Our well-equipped measurement laboratory enables our products to meet stringent quality criteria.
The company’s management board ensures that the commitments and objectives contained in the Quality Policy will be implemented and maintained in all areas of the company’s operations, fulfilling the superior role over all activities.

The guarantee of achieving the above goals is:
- individual approach to each client in order to meet his individual requirements and gain his trust
- continuous development of the company as a response to the changing market requirements
- supporting the development and creativity of employees
- periodic assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the adopted Quality Policy and objectives, as well as the entire Quality Management System
- implementation of the most modern machining technologies
- monitoring of the processes that guarantee the quality of products and services